Partner Fed Two Shuttle Drill


Tactical Problem: relocating to base position after playing a shot elsewhere

Skill development: Lateral and frontal movement, anticipating the opponents next shot



Two shuttle drill



  • students use a half-court, one half-court per pair
  • yellow starts in his/her base position
  • orange feeds the first shuttle into play with one of two shots: a deep shot or a short shot
  • after playing the first shuttle, yellow returns to base position and prepares for shuttle #2
  • orange feeds shuttle number two into play as soon as yellow returns to base position


orange feeds, yellow makes the     (b) orange feeds the second shuttle, yellow

           shot and returns to base position           plays and returns to base position            


Organizational Points: 

  • students are in groups of 2
  • after instructions are given and the movement guidelines are clear students return to their courts and begin play
  • students are to only use the half-court
  • there are to be two shuttles per pair

Teaching Points: 

Ø      ready position: both feet on the floor about shoulder width apart, one slightly ahead of the other for better balance, knees flexed at all times, racquet up and in front of you

Ø      movement: take the fewest number of steps possible and still reach the shuttle in a balanced and powerful position, use a pivot, try to use shuffle steps avoiding cross-overs


Modifications / Refinements / Progressions:

  • Step 1: students can alternate one shuttle to the back of the court, the next one goes short
  • Step 2: students can mix it up at the feeders discretion
  • Step 3: feeder can challenge the student by varying the time between shots

Ø      direct the students to finding their own “base position” (each student’s may be different)